Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 51 (2-20-11)

I still think Lost is probably one of the greatest television series to ever be made.  Top 5 without a doubt.  Its writing was creative, fresh, and took you on a journey in ways television had never done before.  I would always look forward to Wednesday night when the new episode was set to air... and then be so bummed when it was over because it would be another week before the story was continued.  Thursday at work was always Lost discussion and analysis day, and when the end of each season came around?  I practically went into mourning.

I'm happy the show ended, because I'd hate to have seen it lose its edge and turn into the garbage that long running series usually do.  Take Heroes for example.  That show was very very cool when it first came out.  The premise was interesting, the characters were pretty cool, and the show had so much potential.  Then by about the end of season 2, I kept asking my self WTF?!  I don't even know if the writers were the same by the time season three came around.  Is that show still on?  I don't know and I don't care.  It sucks.

But Lost to me was amazing.  Everything from the characters down to the soundtrack.  (I own the collector's edition box set of the show and the entire score for all 6 seasons by Michael Giacchino).  I liked the ending, even more so after watching it again.  The last season and the ending in particular are where most people changed their minds on Lost, but I happened to enjoy it - and found myself very satisfied with how it turned out.  To all the haters out there:  bite me.

The above picture is a rather lazy composition for me.  I took my box set, placed it on a shelf, and took a picture of it.  I duplicated the image and flipped it 180 degrees to place it on top of the original.  (If you look closely at the bottom of the image, you can see where I got sloppy and careless with making the selection).  Then it looked kind of weird and boring, so I through a layer of colorized difference clouds on top of the whole thing and lowered the opacity.  And for those of you who don't understand Photoshop lingo, it's basically one image duplicated on top of itself, with some shit thrown over it to make it not so boring, lol.

ISO 800

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