Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 47 (2-16-11)

Little man came to visit me at work today.  All he wanted to do was sit at my desk and "talk" on the phone.  (I have 3 at my desk).  He would pick up the receiver and go "Hello?  Who is this?  This is Liam.  ok, hold on..." and then put it down and reach for the other phone and do the same thing.  We toyed with the idea of sending a heated escalation to my phone and letting Liam pick it up, but alas - none came in while he was there.

I got to introduce him to many people; we went and raided the "snack" room (aka the Kure Beach room) and he got some M&Ms and a granola bar; we took the elevator and went down into the cafeteria where he picked out an orange juice and bag of Sun Chips; we hung out in the lobby and he got to meet our H.R. rep, Robert.  It was a great day, and he had a blast.  It was a great last day in Wilmington for him.

This pic was taken with my phone.

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