Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 30 (1-30-11)

Yes, I'm still at work.  Well, technically I left and came back around 10pm.. but whatever.  This is a taste of the month or so to come.  These damn PA's.. I hate them.  I looked at the clock and realized it was around 11:45 and I needed to take a picture of something, so I hoisted the camera above my office and shot west.  At least I think it's west.  I don't know.  It's left of me, which to me means west.  Anyway, I'm holding down the fort on the 2nd floor although I hope to be leaving soon.. but I'll be back here in the morning.  Alas.

3 shot HDR
ISO 400
16/83 (? no idea - exposure time varied obviously, and when converted to HDR it creates some weird time that I can't figure out)

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