Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 21 (1-21-11)

Well - my power cable (which has been acting up for a while now) finally crapped out tonight.  Right as I was importing my photo of the day.  This sucks.  Looks like a trip to Best Buy is in order tomorrow.  The above picture is courtesy of my phone, uploaded via my wife's computer.  At least I can still post something, right?


  1. You know, you can set up your blog so that you can post directly from your phone. I know you like fancy shmancy cameras, and fancy shmancy computers, but if something craps out on you again or if you just don't have time to get fancy shmancy, it's a nice backup to have.

    If you need help, let me know. I AM a pro. I author twenty or so blogs. ;)

  2. I know you are a pro, lol. I actually tried (unsuccessfully) to post from my phone at least 4 times. Would not work. I'll have to have you show me.

  3. Have your people call my people.
