Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Greetings & Salutations

The new year is upon us and once again I am attempting another 365 Days of Photography blog. I say once again because I tried this in 2009 with minimal success.

I use the term "tried" loosely, however. While I did propose the idea of one photograph a day of our son for 365 days, the task proved more difficult than I thought. Not because taking a picture is hard, but merely because remembering to do so every day for the entire year was.   And even on days when I remembered to take a photo of him, and there were plenty of days where I did not, posting them to the blog was a whole other animal.

By nature, I am not a blogger. My wife is. She authors somewhere around 20 of them at the moment. Most of the time I can't be bothered, or simply don't have the energy to keep up with one. Which was always my excuse whenever the 365 Days of Liam blog argument  came up.  I liked to argue it was my brainchild, while the maintenance and upkeep was hers. Anyway you look at it, I failed, although it was still completed thanks in no small part to her dedication.  Actually, it wasn't entirely completed.  We missed several days, including all of them beyond 11/29 (day 330).  But whatever.

Well, it's 2011 and I'm trying again - this time I'm going to legitimately try and do my best to keep up. If for nothing less than the discipline. Photographers often get into funks where we either lose inspiration, or can't figure out what to shoot, or just get bored with the same things we see every day.  A project like this forces us to look at the commonplace, the stuff we encounter every day, and demands we see it from a different perspective. Doing so keeps your photographic eye sharp and bolsters your creativity. This is why I am attempting this again in earnest.

So join me on my journey through 2011. There's bound to be a photo or two that will catch your eye...and a ton more of just pure crap. But hey - that's life, right?
